The festival of Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day of Kartik Krishna Paksha. In the scriptures, the names of ‘Sukhratri’, ‘Dipalika’, ‘Vrataprakash’ and ‘Sukh Suptika’ have also been given on the night of Diwali.Along with Maa Lakshmi and Shri Ganesha, Kuber ji is also worshiped in the evening on the day of Diwali. Just as Maa Lakshmi is called the goddess of wealth, in the same way Kuber ji is called the god of wealth and the house in which both of them reside. There is never any shortage of money.
Items | Charges |
Dakshina | |
Pujan Samagri | |
Fruits/sweets and Flowers | Additional |
Travel Charges | Additional |